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Our meetings are a demonstration and workshop for members to learn ikebana and share the beauty in The Art of Flowers


We are pleased to announce that we are again holding meetings in the newly rebuilt Garden Club Council Building. We have been without a home since a catastrophic fire in 2018 but we are happy to once again having a place of our own. 











Ikebana International does not teach any single type of ikebana. Rather, it is an interest group made up of people of many nationalities who enjoy ikebana and other arts of Japan. Many of the members have studied ikebana; some have not.

Those who have studied ikebana have learned from many different schools. Some schools of ikebana stress classic styles; other focus on contemporary forms, and some blend the two. Each of the hundreds of schools of ikebana takes its own approach to arranging flowers. At I.I. meetings, students and teachers share openly their own schools' inspirations, styles, philosophy, history, and techniques.


2024/2025 Executive Board

President: Sandra Pait

First Vice President: Moulikta Shaw

Second Vice President: Lucy Spence

Recording Secretary: Debbie Marowitz

Treasurer: Valerie Marcil/Carol Gelhaus

Honorary Advisor: Lin Ko

Liaison to Japan: Hideko Rainey

Corresponding Secretary: Meg Ellis

Immediate  Past President: Betsy Kaemmerlen


Standing Committees

Programs: Lucy Spence

Membership: Sandy Pait/Lucy Spence

Annual Exhibition: 


Ways and Means: Jewell Patterson

Nominating: Lee Sipe


Hospitality: Moulikta Shaw

Historians: Lin Ko/Jean Davis


Social Networking: Betsy Kaemmerlen /John Spence

Website: John Spence / Betsy Kaemmerlen

Video: Valerie Marcil /John Spence

Photography: Betsy Kaemmerlen / Cheryl Martino /John Spence

GCC Liaison: Cheryl Martino

Yearbook: Valerie Marcil/John Spence


Event/Activity Chairs 

State Fair: Jewell Patterson

Orchids on the Riverbanks: Betsy Kaemmerlen


Sowing Seeds: Lucy Spence

SC Arts: Betsy Kaemmerlen

New Member Orientation: John Spence

Presentations: John Spence / Lin Ko

September Organizer: Li Yueh Huang

October Organizer: Jewell Patterson

November Organizer: John Spence

December Organizer: Lee Sipe/Angela Valvesario

January Organizer: Lucy Spence

February Organizer: Lin Ko

Annual Exhibition : 

April Organizer: Sandy Pait

May Organizer:Debbie Marowitz/ Cheryl Martino

Irmo Cherry Blossom Festival: John Spence


Celebrating Our 50th Anniversary

Garden Club Council Building

1605 Park Circle

Columbia SC  29201 United States

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