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2024/2025 EVENTS

Events are listed chronologically

 All planned events for the 2024/2025 year are presently "in person" and will be primarily be held at the Garden Club Council Building unless indicated. 


Ikebana International Chapter 182
Program for 2024-2025

Monthly Chapter Meeting Times (unless otherwise noted)

Coffee/Set up: 9:30-10:00

Business Meeting: 10:00-10:15

Program 10:15-11:00

Workshop: 11:15-12:00

Clean Up: 12:00 - 12:15

​September 18

Demo: Li Huang, Ikenobo, “Glass Containers the Ikenobo Way” and “Landscape”

Location: GCCB

Workshop: Recommend square or rectangle glass container about 10” and/or moribana.  Suggested plant materials: One bunch of green dianthus, one bunch of daisy-like flowers, several flexible thick vine stems


October 9-20

South Carolina State Fair

Ikebana Exhibition in the Cantey Building

Location: SC State Fairgrounds-Cantey Building 1200 Rosewood Drive, Columbia SC, 29201

State Fair set upon October 8. Take down on October 20, 5 PM. Chair: Jewell Patterson


October 16 

Demo: Ann Corbet, Sogetsu School, “Finding the Line in your Arrangement” 

Location: GCCB             


Ginza silent auction, Chair: Kathy Elliott


November 20 

Demo: John Spence, Sogetsu School, "A Japanese Garden and Ikebana - Common Design Aesthetics"

Location: John & Lucy’s home, 188 Castle Road, Columbia SC 29210 

​This will be a walking tour of various features of the ongoing Japanese Garden construction specifically highlighting aesthetics common to garden design and Ikebana. Wear good shoes. The Fall color will be glorious. 

188 Castle Road, Columbia SC 29210


December 4 (Note earlier date to avoid Christmas conflicts)

Social gathering at Lee Sipe’s Home


Potluck organizer: Angela Valvasori


January 15 

Demo: Lucy Spence, Sogetsu School, “What is Freestyle?”

Location: GCCB

Workshop: Bring material which has shape and texture that compliment the container. The container can be any type.


February 19

Demo: Lin Ko, "Chabana and Tea"

Location: GCCB

Workshop:  Chabana arrangements are very simple, so bring just a few seasonal flowers from your garden and a small, simple, perhaps old vase.


March 22, 10:00-5:00

Irmo Cherry Blossom Festival, March 22

Location: Irmo Town Park, 7330 Carlisle Street, Irmo SC 29063

We have a booth promoting ikebana AND Japanese culture. We make arrangements an invite attendees to do the same. It's loads of fun and a great way to promote our exhiibition the following week.

Chair: John Spence


March 29, 10:00-3:00 Demonstration at 1:00-3:00

Annual Exhibition and Demo

Location: GCCB

Members will set up at the GCCB on March 28 to make their arrangements for the exhibition.









Presenter: Dede Walton, Ikenobo School. 

Dede Walton is an instructor of Ikenobo in the Blue Ridge chapter of Ikebana International. She has presented for her chapter and for the Folk Art Center in Asheville NC. Her presentations include Shoka Shimputai, a contemporary Shoka style, and Ikenobo freestyle arrangements.

Building opens to members: 9:00 on the 29th

Doors open to public: 10:00

Demonstration: 1:00-1:45

Doors close at 3:00

Take Down, Clean Up: 3:00-3:30


April 5 10:00-7:00 and April 6, Noon-7:00

Columbia International Festival

Location: SC State Fairgrounds-Cantey Building 1200 Rosewood Drive, Columbia SC, 29201


April 16

Sandy Pait, Sogetsu School, “Obi and Ikebana”

Location: GCCB

Workshop: Bring plant material and a container. Bring an obi if you have one. We will also use the chapters’ obi collection.


April 24-27 

South Carolina Orchid Society Show 

Location: GCCB

Chair: Betsy Kaemmerlen


May 21

End of Year Potluck, Business Meeting and Installation of Officers

Social gathering at Debbie Marowitz’s home 


Potluck organizer: Cheryl Martino​



May 15, 2019 11 AM

Special Event

The final event of the 2018-2019 year will be a Potluck Lunch and Make-Your-Own arrangement at the Chapter President's house. Line material is readily available on the surrounding 5 acres of forest. Bring a good pair of shoes, your cutters, flowers and favorite container and we can learn from each other.


J. Spence

188 Castle Road

Columbia, SC 29210



May 22 from 10 AM to 12 Noon at the GCCB

These classes are offered to Chapter members by Norman Churchill who will provide all materials. There is an additional fee of $40 per class. Please contact Norman directly to arrange scheduling and payment.

Buy Tickets

Celebrating Our 50th Anniversary

Garden Club Council Building

1605 Park Circle

Columbia SC  29201 United States

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